Monday, September 28, 2015


So I'm not to great at this discipline thing in keeping this up-to-date. My apologies to anyone who actually reads this. But here's my second attempt at some sort of consistency. 

This is a multi-faceted journey. One with many sides. The relationship side. The loving people side. The spiritual side The new-culture side. The adjustment side. The language side. The exploration side. The teaching side. And many more.

It’s hard to process it all while in the midst of it, but I’m beginning to be intentional about it. So here’s a thought.

Who knew that the little girl who ran out of the Christmas play because she was so nervous would end up standing alone before 220 teachers, leading classes and prompting discussions, and that without fear.
When I first got here, I didn’t really know what was to come. I was thrown into the sessions without training, and the first class I taught was not the most natural thing. I loved it, I felt comfortable, but nothing like I do now. I got dinner with a former student (a head teacher in a school in Beijing), but she saw me in the classroom for a few minutes first. She made a comment that now I don’t seem as shy. I seem more comfortable, more confident, more at ease. I never really thought about it until she said that.

I’m not sure that I’ll be a teacher forever. Or if I’m even good at it. But for now, in this season, I enjoy it. We’ll see what comes about in the next few years, but I’m going to try to live in the present, at least most of the time J

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